Thursday, September 25, 2008


The Town is seeking input from Town residents regarding interest in initiating bus service from Sherborn to the Natick commuter rail station (and/or possibly other destinations). The Town is a member of the MetroWest Regional Transit Authority. Under legislation sponsored by Senator Karen Spilka, the Town can redirect the funds that are already taken from the Town for its MBTA assessment to the MWRTA to fund local service. Thus, the service can be provided at no additional cost to the Town.

The Town of Medway took advantage of this option about a year by initiating service to the Norfolk train station. The bus has four stops in town and makes four runs in the morning and three in the evening. Initially about 6 or 7 riders per day used the service. By January, the average had risen to 17 and by July it had risen to 29 so it has been very successful.

If you are interested in such service, I encourage you to contact the Selectmen's Office at 508-651-7850 or go to the Town web site .