Monday, April 26, 2010


The Planning Board report on the zoning articles to be considered at the Annual Town Meeting on April 27 is now posted on its web site:

The Planning Board voted 4-1 in support of Article 11 to amend the existing accessory apartment bylaw by deleting the provision prohibiting the collection of rent and prohibiting anyone but blood relatives and domestic help from occupying the units. The article also increases the maximum size of an accessory apartment from 800 to 1200 square feet (but retains the maximum limit of 30% of the size of the principle dwelling unit; this means only houses of 4000 square feet or more will be able to accommodate a 1200 square foot apartment.). As is the case now, accessory apartments would only be allowed by special permit from the Zoning Board of Appeals after notification of abutters and a public hearing. All requirements of the Zoning Bylaw as well as regulations of the Board of Health, Conservation Commission and any other Town rules and regulations would still need to be complied with.

The Planning Board also voted voted 4-1 to recommend Article 12 to create an Adaptive Use Special Permit that would provide a means of allowing very limited commercial use of two properties that are directly across the street from (but not in) the Business General district. The uses would be limited to professional offices or retail uses such as antique shops or arts and crafts shops. Also, at least one residence would be required to remain on the property and the architectural and historical integrity of the buildings would be required to be maintained.This also would be by special permit after abutter notification and a public hearing by the Planning Board.

Finally, the Planning Board voted unanimously in favor of Article 15, which essentially replaces the references to the FEMA flood maps to new ones which go into effect on June 4, 2010. This is a necessary step to ensure that Sherborn retains its eligibility under the National Flood Insurance Program.