Monday, January 27, 2014

Survey of Residents -- Deadline Extended to February 28!

Sherborn residents will find a little something extra in their Town Census envelopes this year! With the assistance and cooperation of the Town Clerk Carole Marple, this year's census envelope also contains a survey form designed to solicit residents' opinion on a variety of topics related to Town services and facilities as well as quality of life.

The survey is among the first steps to update the Town's General Plan. The General Plan, adopted in 2001, is a document to provide guidance for the Town's future development. That General Plan  also started with a survey of residents. Three volunteer committees were appointed to review the responses and other data and then make recommendations. Similarly, several committees will be appointed to review the results of the survey and other information needed to make recommendations regarding the General Plan update.

A new feature of this year's survey has been added to make response easy: It can be completed online (the preferred option). Instructions are on the survey form. Thus, there are three options for responding to the survey: (1) online; (2) the paper form can be filled in and mailed in with the Town Census form; or (3) the paper form can be dropped off or mailed in separately from the Census form.

The Planning Board encourages all residents to complete the survey as input from the public is critical to updating the General Plan. It is a chance to express your opinions and it can be done quickly and easily online. THE DEADLINE FOR RESPONDING HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 28!

If there are any questions about the survey itself or how to fill it out, you can contact the Town Planner at 508-651-7855 or at