Wednesday, May 28, 2014


The results of the General Plan Survey of Residents are now in! They have been compiled into graphs in a draft PowerPoint report that is currently being edited. The report will be presented to the public shortly.

While that report is being finalized, the Planning Board is ready to move into the next phase of updating the General Plan. In order to ensure a wide range of perspectives and views, the Planning Board will appoint three committees to provide input on updating various elements of the Plan. This phase will follow the pattern of the 2001 General Plan when 34 citizens were organized into three committees to help develop the plan.

If you are interested in the future of Sherborn and/or wish to become part of Sherborn's history, you may wish to volunteer to serve on one of the General Plan committees. The work will consist primarily of reviewing the 2001 General Plan to identify information that needs updating, reviewing the results of the 2014 survey, and presenting ideas for consideration to be incorporated into the 2015 General Plan. Staff support, including researching and providing statistical and technical data  will be provided by the Town Planner. The effort is expected to be completed within 6 months to a year.

The three committees and the subjects that will be addressing are as follows:

Land Use -- Land use, open space and recreation, and natural and          cultural resources

Built Environment -- Town Center, housing and transportation

Fiscal and Economic -- Economic development and  public facilities         and services

Serving on a General Plan committee is a great way to become involved in the Town, to learn new information about the Town's recent and past history and to ensure that your views are represented as decisions about the Town's future are made. If you are interested, please contact a member of the Planning Board or the Town Planner at or 508-651-7855.