Friday, May 8, 2020


As you likely know, Sherborn Town Meeting has been postponed until August 25 (and may be postponed again) and only for financial articles and one other one. Most articles will be considered some time in the Fall. The Planning Board has two significant zoning articles this year that could have significant consequences so it is important to provide as much information about them as possible.

One of the two articles will establish a provision for development of new subdivisions in a manner that conserves 60% of the parcel, including the most valuable natural resources, while allowing denser development on the remaining 40%. A major change from the current zoning bylaw is that this type of development will be allowed by right while a conventional subdivision, that consumes the entire parcel, will require a special permit. A 16-minute video is available to help explain the provisions of the article at the following link: Webinar on Open Space Subdivision Article. This video will be presented live on Zoom at the Planning Board meeting of May 19 at 7:00 PM. There will be an opportunity for questions or comments following the presentation. Login information will be provided on this blog and on the Town website at a later date. 

The second article will establish a requirement that all developments of 2 or more housing units or lots contribute to the Town's stock of affordable housing. It does that by requiring that affordable housing units be included in the project, be provided at an off-site location, or a cash contribution be made to the Town's Affordable Housing Trust. A companion article to the affordable housing article, co-sponsored by the Planning Board and the Housing Partnership, establishes and clarifies some procedures to be followed by the Affordable Housing Trust that was created at the 2019 Annual Town Meeting. In order to help explain these related articles, the Planning Board and Housing Partnership produced an 11-minute video that is available at the following link:  Webinar On Affordable Housing Article.

The Planning Board will run this webinar live on Zoom on May 26 at 7:00 PM. Again the Board will  be available to answer questions live following the presentation. Login information will be provided here (and other venues) at a later date.

You are always welcome to provide comments or ask questions here, or by emailing 

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