Monday, June 15, 2009


Thanks to a program administered by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Sherborn will soon have several additional bike racks to encourage and facilitate bicycle use in Town. MAPC has $898,000 available to distribute among its 101 cities and towns. The funds are distributed by population, but with a minimum allocation of $3000 per town. Being one of the smaller towns in the MAPC region, Sherborn is eligible for the minimim of $3000. Installation and shipping ($400) are not included.

There are three vendors participating in the program with several styles available. After reviewing what is available, I selected a style called "Hi Roller" from Dero Bike Rack Company located in Minneapolis. This style consists of a series of "humps" with the "humps" bent for greater stability.

We have ordered two 7-bike racks and six 4-bike racks. They will be installed by CMD at Jameson and Fessenden Fields, Laurel Farm Fields, Town Hall and the Library, and Farm Pond.

1 comment:

Gino said...

For an update, five of the bike racks have now been installed at Town Hall, the Library, Jameson Field (Pine Hill side), Fessenden Field and Laurel Farm Field. The remaining three will be installed shortly.