Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Sherborn has been awarded a grant in the amount of $137,450 as a direct result of its attainment of status as a designated Green Community. The funds will be used for improvements in lighting, insulation, environmental controls, etc. at Town buildings including Pine Hill School, Town Hall, and the Fire and Police Stations. It also includes funds for anti-idling devices for certain Town vehicles. The great thing is that, in addition to the grant funding these improvements, the improvements themselves will reduce energy use thus resulting in more savings!

In addition to the funds, the Town will also receive road signs indicating its status as a Green Community and a "Big Belly" trash barrel with a solar-powered compactor to reduce the frequency of emptying.


Anonymous said...

How nice for Sherborn! I love those big belly trash compactors. They put them in all over Downtown Boston and they have really made a nice difference there too

John Higley said...

Agreed! The Big Belly is a neater trash can and because it is a compactor, it saves energy by reducing the number of times it needs to be emptied.

The grant money pays for lighting and insulation and other energy related items so it saves Sherborn the money for those purchases. Those items are energy improvements over what is used now and reduce our energy expenses in the years ahead.

Gino said...

While the money and the projects are great, we should not lose sight of the fact that after implementation of these projects, Sherborn will reduce emissions of greenhouse gases by more than 100 tons per year!

Also, in terms of energy costs and savings, the payback for these projects is estimated to be just 4.4 years. Of course, since we have the grant, the payback to the Town is actually 0 years since we will begin to accumulate the savings immediately upon implementation.